What is the difference between Ikan Dorang Spesial and Ikan Dorang Mas cooking oil? How can we tell the difference between coconut cooking oil and palm cooking oil? What are the advantages of using Ikan Dorang Spesial coconut cooking oil for frying or deep-frying? Why does Ikan Dorang Spesial coconut cooking oil turn into frozen white solid in supermarket shelf? When the coconut cooking oil turn into white solid, does it mean that it has bad cholesterol? The Nutrition Facts information of Ikan Dorang Spesial states that it contains Medium Chain Fatty Acids. What are Medium Chain Fatty Acids and its purpose? I have heard that trans-fat is bad for your health, do Ikan Dorang Spesial and Ikan Dorang Mas contain trans-fat? Why coconut cooking oil sometimes produces foam when used for deep-frying? Why does Ikan Dorang Spesial more expensive than palm cooking oil? Is it harmful to cook with previously used cooking oil over and over again? How many times can cooking oil be re-used? Where can I find the expiry date for the product? Where can I get more information about Ikan Dorang cooking oil?