Special Croquette

Ingredients for croquette skin:

-       1 egg

-       100 gr all purpose flour

-       200 ml milk

-       50 ml water

-       ¼ tsp garam

-       2 tbsp IKAN DORANG SPESIAL cooking oil for coating

Ingredients for croquette fillings:

-       100 gr mayonnaise

-       4 slices cheese, each cut into 2 pieces

-       2 boiled eggs, each cut into 4 pieces

-       2 tbsp condensed milk

-       4 pieces smoked beef, each cut into 2 pieces

Ingredients for croquette breadcrumb wrapper:

-       1 egg

-       1 tbsp milk

-       Bread crumbs

-       500 ml IKAN DORANG SPESIAL cooking oil for frying



Croquette skin

  1. In a large bowl, combine flour, egg, milk, water and salt. Mix well.
  2. Form mixtures into patties in a pan which is coated with IKAN DORANG SPESIAL cooking oil.

Croquette fillings

  1. Mix mayonnaise and condensed milk together. Leave it.
  2. Take 1 slice of croquette skin, place inside 1 piece of boiled egg, 1 piece of smoked beef, and 1 slice of cheese. Give ½ tbsp mixture of mayonnaise and condensed milk inside, and then fold.


Croquette breadcrumb wrapper

  1. Mix egg and milk together.
  2. Place the croquette inside the egg and milk mixture then roll in breadcrumbs.
  3. Heat IKAN DORANG SPESIAL cooking oil over medium heat; place the croquettes.
  4. Fry the croquettes with IKAN DORANG SPESIAL cooking oil until golden brown.
  5. Remove from pan and serve with tomato sauce.
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